Habitual Alcohol Consumption and Changes in Markers of Insulin Resistance and Cardio-Renal Function

Author Details

Ekpenyong, Christopher Edet, Ufot, Blessing Gabriel

Journal Details


Published: 25 March 2019 | Article Type :


Introduction: Higher rates of alcohol consumption have been reported in most parts of the world including Nigeria, which could suggest a future increase in alcohol related ill-health and shorter life expectancy. Even so, the clinical consequences of heavy/habitual alcohol consumption on cardio-renal endpoints and markers of insulin activity are unclear and unreported in some regions of the world. The aim of the present study was to assess the effect of habitual alcohol consumption on markers of insulin resistance (IR) and cardio-renal endpoints.

Methods: One hundred and twenty six adult men and women were examined between July 2016 and January 2018 using standard assessment methods including socio-demographic/lifestyle and alcohol consumption assessment questionnaires and assessment of bio-chemical indices of IR and markers of cardio-renal function.

Results: Habitual alcohol consumption was associated with significant (p<0.05) higher values of WC only in male drinkers, however, significant (p<0.05) increase in MAP, TG-C, AIP, ALT, AST, fasting SUA and HOMA-IR were found in drinkers than non-drinkers in both male and female participants. SCr level was significantly higher in male drinkers than non-drinkers (105.00 ± 11.03 versus (vs) 94.67 ± 11.88) and leading to a significant reduction in eGFR in male drinkers than non-drinkers (88.40 ± 7.78 vs 99.10 ± 6.36). In females, SCr level was lower in drinkers than non-drinkers (92.32 ± 14.10 vs 97.02 ± 12.96) and leading to a significant increase in eGFR in female drinkers than non drinkers (93.30 ± 4.95 vs72.00 ± 2.83).

Conclusion: Habitual alcohol consumption could be associated with adverse cardio-renal endpoints and impaired insulin sensitivity.

Keywords: Chronic alcohol drinking, hyperinsulinemia, heart, kidney, effect.

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How to Cite


Ekpenyong, Christopher Edet, Ufot, Blessing Gabriel. (2019-03-25). "Habitual Alcohol Consumption and Changes in Markers of Insulin Resistance and Cardio-Renal Function." *Volume 2*, 1, 15-24